This 12-hour team event involves teams of people from different backgrounds and from all walks of life camping out and entertaining themselves to raise cancer awareness. They raise money for cancer research and to support the organizing society in the fight against cancer. Relay for Life events takes place in fairgrounds, high schools, and colleges all around America.
Relay for Life is an open event that anyone can attend. To participate, one needs to either join an existing team, form and register a new team, or join as a cancer survivor. The society requires each participant to raise at least $100. However, you can participate for as little as $10 if you do not have enough money. The relay is a great mode of fundraising on its own. The event just requires one member from every team to be on the track at any one time.
Relay or life is meant to honor cancer survivors and to remind people battling cancer that it can be conquered. The event reiterates this by using luminaries. Luminaries are small paper sacks with candles inside. One can purchase a luminaria at $5 to support the course. Each luminaria represents a person with a personal cancer experience. Participants leave the luminaries lined up by the pavement and light up the way beautifully when the evening comes and the sun goes down.
In addition to being a cancer-support event, Relay for Life is an exceptional networking platform for professionals from different fields. Many people interact and foster prosperous business relationships from this event because there is someone from every industry and every part of the country. The American Cancer Society, through the Relay for Life initiative also issues sponsorship opportunities to individuals for local and global organizations positions.
Therefore, aside from commemorating the cancer journey one has walked with his or her loved ones, Relay for Life provides a day full of fun activities and a platform for professional interactions.